Being micro-roasters means the roasting magic happens in carefully controlled small batches, using a fluid-bed profile roaster. Maintaining that freshness and quality we want, not only for fuelling our caffeine needs but yours as well, for home or office. Each small batch is roasted to perfection, always fresh and on point, always available for purchase to take home. We’ll even tailor the roast date to suit when you are going to be using the coffee, as we are roasting on a regular basis.
Our awesome ‘Premier Workshop' or 'Decaf' blends are always available to purchase to take home, or you can choose from our range of single origin green beans or blends that we can roast to order, just for you.
Our main serving in is our ‘Premier Workshop’ blend, and we think this makes an awesome coffee using either espresso or soft brewing methods (such as the plunger for home). It’s been developed specifically with origins from Central and South American regions, providing a medium bodied coffee with a smooth, clean finish.
Fresh is best
We recommend you purchase your roasted beans 'a little at a time' and 'often' and yes, we can grind whole beans for your preferred brew method at home. Subscriptions are available, for regular orders.
Our 'Decaf' Blend also packs a punch in the taste department. The environmentally friendly Swiss Water Process ® is used to remove the caffeine, meaning that the coffee will retain it’s full flavour.
To make sure that you aren't missing out on flavour even if you don't want the caffeine kick, we offer a lively blend of up to five different origins from Indonesia, Central and South America and Africa. Bold and smooth.